Recently updated on March 21st, 2023
As security improves, hackers look for new ways to steal information, trick you, and even demand money. With such a range of ways hackers can take advantage of you, it can be hard to keep up. That’s why Next Horizon is here for you with useful tips to keep you in the clear.
Of course, if something does happen, we can help control the damage that hackers leave behind. If you have been a victim of a cyber-crime, you will also want to file a report and protect your credit history.
Phishing Attacks
Email phishing attacks are on the rise in 2019. Is your network protected?
Attacks are on the rise, and even those who are tech-conscious can fall prey to increasingly sophisticated scams. Hackers are constantly changing their strategy and who they target, and your company could be next. The first step to preventing an attack is by educating yourself and your team on the types of scams that attackers use.
While the content of the email may differ, the technique remains more or less the same. Attackers want you to click links or attachments, or enable images.
Solution: Don’t click anything in an email if it looks suspicious to you or if you aren’t familiar with or don’t trust the source.
Online Scams
It seems like there’s less privacy on the internet these days, but it’s still important to avoid giving out too much information. Especially when you don’t know who you’re giving it to. Most internet users know how annoying it is to receive unwanted email notifications after giving out an email address, but a good scam could be much worse.
Imagine being enticed by some “too good to be true” offer or opening a website that looks like your favorite shopping website. Scammers build websites that draw people in, and sometimes even impersonate popular websites. Once the criminals have your information, they can steal your identity or rack up charges on your credit card.
Solution: It helps to get a little background on the website before handing over your information. When you go to a trusted website, go ahead and double check the URL. Scammers sometimes buy domains that look like familiar websites, but are one letter off. Also, when giving personal information always make sure the website is using a secured connection.
USB Hacks
If you found a thumb drive in a parking lot, you might be curious as to what’s on it, but it might not be just a lost memory stick. Hackers know how to compromise these devices with malware to attack your computer or network. By leaving infected USB drives or USB cords in public areas, they know an unsuspecting passerby is bound to find it, and try it out. Some are programmed to steal data, download malware, impersonate real websites, or even cause other damage.
Solution: The best way to avoid these kinds of attacks is simply to only use trusted USB devices.
By now, most people know to be cautious of downloading unfamiliar files from the web, but it’s still a problem today. Hackers know that if they make a file download look innocent, they can trick you into downloading something that will infect your computer. Sometimes, the download button just looks like a simple link, so you won’t even know it’s a problem until it’s too late.
Solution: Be careful of what you click on and use virus protection programs. If you find that a file was downloaded without your permission, it would be best to delete it and not open it.
Apps and Extensions
Using things like downloadable applications and extensions can make life easier for all of us that use digital devices. Whether you’re using these on your phone, desktop, or your browser, these applications may hide malware that can spy on you, or other unwanted intrusions.
Solution: The best way to ward off problems is to learn a little about the people offering the software. Checking reviews is a good start. What complements are people giving? What complaints?
We’re Here to Help
This overview of various types of common exploits is but an introduction to the nefarious actions of hackers and scammers. Learning some basics will help you stay out of harm’s way. If you suspect you have been compromised, be sure to seek help from the security professionals at Next Horizon.