Recently updated on March 21st, 2023

With many organizations forced to manage remote working environments during the pandemic, it’s more important now than ever to assure that your critical files and information remain safeguarded with cybersecurity. In this vulnerable time, many cyber criminals are capitalizing on the opportunity to attack with a new wave of “weapons” at their disposal. In order to keep your business up to date, we compiled a list of 2020 cybersecurity threats that you should be aware of.

The New Normal

Literally every week, cybercriminals are scheming up new ways to breach your cyber defenses in order to steal your information and disrupt your business. This is nothing new to businesses, but threats have only increased over time. According to the Information Security Forum, there are 3 primary ways cybercriminals will be using in order to break into your organization in 2020:

  • 1. Disruption: The Internet of Things movement is becoming more prevalent across organizations. We are becoming over dependent on Wi-Fi connectivity which will increase the risk of pre-meditated internet outages that compromise your IT infrastructure.
  • 2. Distortion: Misinformation is a hot button topic across multiple platforms including email (phishing scams), TV, social media among many others. Criminals use bots and other automated sources to compromise what you think you know. In other words, it will become harder to identify verifiable and trusted information regarding the digital space.
  • 3. Deterioration: Smart technology is advancing faster than businesses can implement it. The high demand and need for such services will make it more difficult to control your company’s information without risk.

There’s Bugs in Windows 10

In January, Homeland Security found some issues with the Firefox browser and urged businesses and consumers alike to update to the most recent version stating hacking fears. Now, the National Security Agency (NSA) has issued another alert regarding Windows 10 and Windows Server 16. It stated that the operating systems could be tricked by a fake signature allowing malicious applications to take over your system.

The vulnerability places Windows endpoints at risk to a broad range of exploitation vectors. NSA assesses the vulnerability to be severe and that sophisticated cyber actors will understand the underlying flaw very quickly and, if exploited, would render the previously mentioned platforms as fundamentally vulnerable. The consequences of not patching the vulnerability are severe and widespread. Remote exploitation tools will likely be made quickly and widely available. Rapid adoption of the patch is the only known mitigation at this time and should be the primary focus for all network owners.

Be sure to update your operating system (OS) by installing all January 2020 Patch Tuesday patches. They fix 46 different security bugs that, if left unpatched, will leave your computer at risk. If you don’t know how to update your Windows software, follow the instructions below.

To update Windows, click the Start button, then go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update.

Be Aware of Fake Security Certificate Expirations

Many organizations are upgrading their website security through established channels using SSL/TSL certificates. These certificates allow businesses to better encrypt communication and information logged onto the website itself. If you have an ecommerce website or gather and exchange sensitive information from your users, you should have upgraded your certificate already.

However, this useful upgrade has been co-opted by cybercriminals that pose as helpful aids when you need the upgrade. You may be presented with a screen that tells you that your “security certificate is out of date”. It prompts you to update and, when you download the file, you will instantly have malware on your system.

Cybercrime is Always Afoot

Regardless of your business or industry, you can be targeted at any time. Follow the tips in this blog and stay vigilant for events that look suspicious. For more protection, enlist a company with cybersecurity expertise.

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