Recently updated on November 17th, 2022
Do you like using a browser that has a mountain of security issues? How about a browser that does not support some of today’s features that help create great web experiences, features that modern browsers offer? Do you like working on a browser that is older than 10 Years? Then you should upgrade from Internet Explorer 6… NOW!
You might feel comfortable using this browser. Heck; it’s been with you since you first purchased your computer. Even 20-30% of typical website visitors use it. But using this browser is ultimately bad. Bad for users, bad for businesses, and bad for the web.
Not Good for Security
Ultimately the biggest issue is security. Internet Explorer 6 is over 10 years old; this browser is out leagued when compared to the protection of newer browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, even Internet Explorer 7, 8, and 9). Newer browsers also offer better browsing experiences with new features, such as tabbed browsing, plugin support, and speed.
Internet Explorer 6 Isn’t Up to Business Standards
In terms of business, Internet Explorer 6 lacks today’s current web standards, and instead of having designers build new innovations for current browsers, they are forced to spend time making sites function in Internet Explorer 6 through hacks and other unconventional measures. This is extra time spent that could be subtracted from production or reallocated to improving the web experience for the site. It also makes maintenance harder and sometimes makes sites run slower.
Upgrading to a Better Web Browser is Easy
Upgrading is not hard to do either. Just Google any other type of web browser (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari, even Internet Explorer 9 ) and click on the install. After a few clicks, you’ll be set up with a better and faster web browsing experience.
Let’s help to make the web a place of innovation and continuing development, upgrade from Internet Explorer 6 today! Below you’ll find a few options that will get you started
A Lemon for the Masses (Updated 9/17/20)
When was the last time you heard that a car you were thinking about purchasing was tough to drive, expensive to maintain, wasn’t safe AND was one of the most popular cars for a decade? I’ll wait…
You can’t, but that’s precisely what Internet Explorer 6 was.
IE6 was the most widely used web browser during its run. It was 5 times more used than IE5. Even with all its issues, it still remained popular up to a year after Internet Explorer 7 came out. This could be due to the slow adoption rate for new software among businesses and users at that time. Today, technology has gotten faster and easier to adopt. Just a few years after that, users adopted IE* much faster than they switched to IE7. Over time, IE6 slowly faded away, but it took until 2015 for IE6 to drop to less than 1% of users worldwide.
Microsoft was not ignorant to the reception and even piled on with the rest of the working world saying, “Friends don’t let friends use Internet Explorer 6.”
Internet Explorer 6 was one of the most widely used, bad platforms in the history of the world wide web. We are glad that things have evolved..although Microsoft Edge hasn’t caught on as Microsoft had hoped.