Recently updated on August 26th, 2022

In 2019, advertisers spent over $9 billion on advertising on Facebook. Advertisers can all agree that Facebook is not afraid to implement new rules and guidelines. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the social network, and those who do, see better ad campaign results.

With that, here’s what you can do to make the most out of your Facebook campaign right now.

Use Facebook Targeting to Define Your Audience

When you are selling online, write as though you’re talking to an individual, not the masses. It’s very easy to write broad copy that appeals to many. While that may work for websites, it’s quite the opposite when advertising on Facebook.

Facebook has tools that can target a specific audience. For example, you can tailor your ads to men between the ages of 18 and 35 who live in Northern Virginia and are interested in woodworking. Then once you have an established filtered audience, you can deliver targeted ads to that audience.

When setting your advertising goals, it’s a best practice to develop “big picture” goals and then break down those goals into smaller, more achievable objectives.

How You Should Build Your Facebook Ads

Now that you have your audience, you need to produce a targeted ad. Unfortunately, you can’t merely create great ads. You have to “build” them. Here’s an analogy to help you understand the concept of “building” an ad on Facebook.

When an architect is designing a building, they begin with a solid foundation. Once they have their foundation, they would begin to add walls to give shape to their structure. Finally, once the building has structure, finer details like interior fixtures and landscaping are added.

Your Facebook ads should be “built” in a way that reflects a builder’s design process. Start with the foundation for your ad—data. Data will help give shape to your campaign, helping you better understand what strategies work best.

The images and videos you use throughout your campaign serve as the walls. Any minor adjustments to your campaign serve the same purpose as interior fixtures and landscaping.

And many may ask, “How exactly do you find these strategies that work best?”

Do more of what works and stop doing what doesn’t work. Once you’ve defined your audience, trial-and-error is the method for success when it comes to ad campaign performance. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes or your campaigns will never reach their true potential.

The Bigger Picture

While this may seem obvious, it’s essential to set goals for your campaigns. Goals will help you measure your results and guide your decisions when adjusting your Facebook campaigns. Without goals, you’ll never get actionable results.

While this sounds easy to do, it may be difficult for some in practice. For example, let’s say you have a goal of 6,000 conversions in the next year. That may seem like an unachievable goal — especially if you have never had that many conversions.

If you want to achieve your “big picture” goal of 6,000 conversions, it’s best to break it down into short-term goals like 500 conversions per month or roughly 16 conversions a day. These goals are less intimidating and seem more achievable than the initial 6,000 conversion goal.

So remember, when setting your advertising goals, it’s a best practice to develop “big picture” goals and then break down those goals into smaller, more achievable goals.

After reading this, you may still feel like you aren’t equipped to carry out your Facebook advertising needs. Don’t let that limit your business’ potential. Let our Facebook advertising specialists at Next Horizon improve your ability to get found by more potential customers online.

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